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Pasolini Literary Park

Pasolini Literary Park
Culture What to do

Pier Paolo Pasolini is an Italian poet, writer, film director, screen writer, playwright and journalist. He is considered among Italy’s most important intellectuals of the 20 th century, who was killed on 2 nd November 1975 in Ostia, in a muddy open space among the shacks and a football pitch.

Immediately Ostia wanted to dedicate that area to his memory and so, thanks to Mario Rosati, a stele was placed right where his body was found. This sculpture, at the beginning, was in cement, but then it was replaced by one in marble which portrays two doves.
For his highly symbolic meaning, that monument has been included in various films for example in Nanni Moretti’s ‘Caro Diario’. Not many people know that this is the location which commemorates more than any other Pasolini.

There are other two works of art in Ostia in his honour: one in piazza Anco Marzio by Pietro Consagra and one in piazza Lorenzo Gasparri by Gaetano Gizzi. Every year,
on November 2 nd , the day of this killing, groups of artists and simple citizens meet to remember this great writer in via dell’Idroscalo.

Where Pasolini was murdered, remained for decades a run down area, but now it has been brought back to life with a garden and then with the creation of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Literary Park (now part of Dante Aligheri’s network of literary parks). Each year it promotes cultural activities or activities which tend to promote this territory through exhibitions, conferences, guided tours,m book crossing, literary and artistic events.

In this context, the LIPU (bird protection association) volunteers take care of the green areas, ensuring a tidy location to all users.
This park is usable everyday in an independent way from 9 am to sunset, arriving from via dell’Idroscalo.

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